One Bad Click Away from Disaster

Someone in your office is a ticking time bomb, and it’s impossible to predict when it will go off. It is not a matter of IF – it’s a matter of WHEN. ...

The Value of a Two-Monitor Desktop

It seems that in almost every office you see desks with two monitors. Anyone still using a one-monitor system probably spends a lot of time minimizing screens to pull up a different app, then pulling the first one back up and so on. ...

Immediate Actions When Mobile Devices Go Missing

“Oh NO! Where’s my phone?” Nobody ever looks forward to saying those words, but especially if they use that phone for business. ...

The Value of the Microsoft Productivity Score

Accurate tracking and analysis of your company’s and your employees’ productivity is an essential component to continued growth and success. ...

You MUST Have These IT Policies

Big or small, every business needs to have a set of Policies & Procedures (P&P) in place – and they must enforce them. ...

Phishing: Don’t Take the Bait

Job descriptions in every industry can be widely diverse, and so it is in the crime industry. Whether real-world crime or cybercrime criminals specialize. ...

Keeping Shared Cloud Storage Organized

We have all seen those old comedy gags where a huge pile of stuff falls out when somebody opens a closet door. ...

11 Signs that Your Computer May Be Infected

Everyone would prefer to get a permanent ‘yes’ response from their computer, and for the most part they do, but sometimes they do exhibit ‘kerfuffle’s.’ ...

Is Windows 365 Cloud PC Good for Your Office?

Windows 365 Cloud PC has been around for a while now, so let’s examine whether the predictions when it was being touted as the next big thing to serve both office and home are coming to fruition. ...

Chrome or Edge?

If you ask people what application they use the most, you will probably get a variety of answers: WhatsAp, TikTok, Telegram, Snapchat, etc. ...